Monday, July 25, 2016

Respondus Lockdown Browser

When students need to take a test through iCollege, they use the Respondus browser to prevent certain forms of cheating.

This browser is installed on all the student computers and here's how to access it:
  1. Go the the start menu and click on All Programs;
  2. Locate the Respondus browser and open it;
  3. Student will be asked to identify the location of the quiz or test (usually iCollege);
  4. Student will be asked for iCollege credentials;
  5. Student will take the quiz with limits predefined by instructor of the course.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Pharos Printing Problem

The printing system is out.  No cards are working in the library or JSpot.  Since this is the last week of classes, and many students have papers due, the classroom (2200) is temporarily open for printing.  As soon as the Pharos system is restored, we will close the classroom.

Monday, July 11, 2016

Library Computers

When there is a problem with any library computer (other than office computers), please let Pat Z. <> know about it. (Or Aviva if Pat isn't around.) It's somewhat confusing to come in at 7:30 AM to see an out-of-order sign without knowing why the sign was hung or to be clueless that there was a major problem which potentially impacts students being able to do their work.  Just a quick email or phone call will be very helpful.

So, what should you do when problems arise?

If there's a whole system issue with the network, multiple computers, or the Pharos system between the hours of 7:00 AM and 10:00 PM Monday-Friday, call the HELP Desk right away. 404-413-HELP (404-413-4357) AND please send Pat an email about the problem. (Or when IIT sends you an email with a ticket number, please forward that to Pat.)

If there's a smaller problem that doesn't require immediate attention, you may email the HELP desk to initiate a service ticket. AND please copy Pat on that email. IIT will then reply all and Pat will be in the loop.

 If there is a small problem with a single student computer and you feel confident trouble-shooting, you are welcome to do so. (Remember that checking the power sources and doing a cold reboot can "cure" lots of problems.) If your efforts fix the machine--Hurray! No need to send Pat an email unless it's a recurring problem you think should be watched. If your trouble-shooting doesn't work, PLEASE send an email to Pat about what's going on with any computer where you hang an out-of-order sign.. Be sure to say whether or not you have sent a help request to IT so we don't spawn duplicate tickets.

When there is any news about computer systems here at Dunwoody library, Pat (and others on the full-time staff) will make every effort to communicate that to everyone via email and/or this blog.

To sum up: we need to communicate about the computers to keep them functional for the students who depend on them so much. Carmel used to be our go-to for this.  Now Pat is the point person for communication on computer needs. Aviva is the back-up when Pat isn't around. Thanks very much for your cooperation.

Friday, July 8, 2016

Relocation of Youth collection

The middle grade "chapter" books will be moved into the the regular stacks and filed according to LOC.

The picture books will now be on the "old" graphic novel bookshelf downstairs. They will continue to be shelved by author's last name.

The catalog should reflect this later today or early next week.

Friday, July 1, 2016

New forms for statistics collection

Starting July 1st

If you work with patrons, the transaction tracking forms for all service points:

If you want to review what patron transactions to track and how to use these forms, Jennifer Jones has developed this guide.

Paper copies of these documents are available at the reference desk.  

If you staff chat/VR, those transactions will be tracked through the LibAnswers service.  When you complete a chat, select the bar graph at the top of the chat window, and a statistics form will open.

When questions come in through the LibAnswers service, statistics should be entered in the fields below the  answer as you answer the question.

If you forget to enter the stats at the time of a transaction, you can do so after the fact. Select Ref. Analytics in the top (yellow) bar and Add Transaction, and you can enter and backdate a transaction. These forms are all available on and off campus.

If you have any questions or run into any issues let Amy know.