Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Vacation Plans

Just so you know this blog isn't only for business, I invite you to share the exciting things you'll be doing this summer.  My travels will be small, but I plan to spend about 4 days camping on Cumberland Island off the Georgia coast in mid-May.

And in case she's shy about sharing...a little bird told me that Gayle is headed to Ireland this Friday.  Bon voyage, Gayle!

Use the comments to add your plans so we can all be happy for you (and perhaps a bit jealous!)

Bridging Cultures Bookshelf: Muslim Journeys

Another amazing cultural and educational opportunity has come to the library.  Through a grant funded by Carnegie Corporation and the Doris Duke Foundation for Islamic Art and presented by the NEH together with the ALA and the Ali Virual Ak Center for Global Islamic Studies, we have received an impressive collection of 25 books and films demonstrating the riches of Muslim history, art, and science. The items are set up as a browsing collection just inside the library entry.  Here are a few of the titles: The Art of Hajj, a beautifully illustrated homage to the importance of the pilgrimage to Mecca; Muhammad:  A Very Short Introduction, a profile of one of the most influential figures in world history; Ornament of the World:  How Muslims, Jews and Christians Created a Culture of Tolerance in Medieval Spain, a history of a golden age which might have lessons for today; Dear Zari:  The Secret Lives of the Women of Afghanistan, true life experiences in that war-torn country; In the Country of Men, a coming of age story in Libya; Persepolis, a graphic novel of an Iranian childhood. As you can tell, this exciting collection is both broad and deep. For a full list of books, go to this page.

Besides the books, the grant gave GPC access to the Oxford Islamic Studies Online database.  This will be very important in the fall because several classes will have a Bridging Cultures emphasis, and students will be looking for resources.

In addition to the books and database, the GPC committee charged with this project is planning special programs.  Lora Mirza is on that committee, so you can look forward to  interesting and wonderful events on campus in the fall.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Finals Schedule

Look for a copy of the final exam schedule at the reference desk or on this web page.   Most of the time exams are given in the regular classroom, but Professor McKinney is using the library classroom for her three ENGL1102 classes on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.  Students may inquire.

Speaking of students:  they are stressed!  You are always nice to them, and right now, please be extra nice.  A smile and kind greeting will make a big difference to them right now!

Friday, April 19, 2013

Computer Maps

A rainy Friday in Dunwoody, and the LRC is full of students finishing up semester projects.  Thanks for all you have done and will continue to do to help them be successful!

Speaking of projects, I've finished a little map of where the numbered computers are located in the Library.  The lower level map also shows study room numbers and a rough listing of call numbers. Hopefully, this will help us direct student to open computers and help them find books and meeting places.  There is a copy on each side of the Ref Desk. If you recommend any additions, please let me know.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Goodbye Mr. Lincoln, Hello Baby Brunson

So much happening at Dunwoody Library.  Today we say farewell to the superb Lincoln exhibit. Thanks so much to Lora Mirza and Paul Hudson for bringing it to us.  The panels and the programs were so enriching.  Thanks also to all of you for counting the visitors who came to view it. (Our total tally was 338, though I'm sure we missed a few while helping students.)

Next:  very exciting news, and I apologize for not shouting it out last week:  Carmel and Everett's baby arrived Friday, early morning.  An 8 pound, 3 ounce boy they named Zane Everett.  I won't post a picture without his parent's permission, but let me tell you:  he's adorable!  Congratulations to the new family!

Friday, April 5, 2013

The End is in Sight!

It's been a while since the last posting, mostly because we've all been very busy with the mid-semester rush of reference and instruction.  Thanks for all you do to give the students the skills and resources they need to succeed!

It's less than a month to finals.  In these last few weeks of research, your TLC and calm confidence will be very important.  Humor is also a great stress reliever.  Here's a little instructional video featuring a library puppet. (Even at the desk with no sound, you'll get the gist of it.  Be sure to watch 'til the end for the really funny part.)