Monday, March 25, 2013

Please Log Off Reference Computers

This is a dinky detail to keep our system working efficiently for all.  When you finish your shift at the desk computers, please be sure to log off from your profile.  In that way the CISCO NAC agent will clear and be ready for the next person to log on.
On occasion, thankfully not too often, the NAC agent will get hung up when a profile is idle too long.  When that happens OIT needs to intervene--just as we sometimes need to terminate a session in Pharos so a student may use another computer. 
I don't pretend to understand all the technical aspects, but I do know that problems won't happen if we follow the simple rule:  Log in when you arrive and log out when you leave.


Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Primary Document Research

It's prime time for assignments, and students in history classes are on the hunt for primary documents.  Here are some of the great reference sets on our shelves:
  • Milestone Documents of World Religions    BL74 .M56 2011
  • Daily Life through World  History in Primary Documents     CB69 . D35 2009
  • Milestone Documents in World History     D5 . M54 2010
  • The Annals of American History     E173 .A793
  • Milestone Documents in American History     E173 .M63
  • Milestone Documents of American Leaders     E173 .M632
  • Milestone Documents in African American History     E184.6 .M55 2010
Several databases also have good collections of primary documents.  In the following databases, it's possible to execute a search and then narrow results to primary documents:   Ancient and Medieval World History; Modern World History; Opposing Viewpoints in Context, Salem History. In the History Reference Center, it's possible to use "Primary Source Document" as a pre-search limiter when using Advanced Search. And remember that American History in Video has many primary sources in non-print form. Preselect interview or newsreel in the advanced search.

Faculty are increasingly guiding their students to excellent online archives on the deep web. Some of these are easily browsed.  Some are a trip down the rabbit hole, with wonders in store for those willing to take the journey.  You might enjoy exploring a few of the following:
There is an amazing research guide from Newton Gresham Library on US History at  and one on World History at

If you have some other great resources to add to this list, please send them and we'll have a "Part 2."

Monday, March 11, 2013

Baby Sweepstakes

Welcome back from spring break, everyone!  The library was just like Lake Wobegon (quiet week), expect for the Thursday afternoon excitement of Carmel's baby shower. The party room looked beautiful thanks to flowers from Lora and decorating by Akiko and Barbara N. We had  yummy treats--both savories and sweets-- and a beautiful cake ordered by Aviva.  We played one silly game to see how many new baby names could be made combining the letters in mom and dad's names. (25 was the tops.) And we got to "oo" and "ah" at many adorable baby gifts.  Thank you to all who contributed in any way!

I'm sorry that many of you couldn't attend because of your day jobs.  There is, however, still a way you can join in the fun.  On the workroom table there is a calendar where you can enter a guess as to the actual day Baby Brunson will arrive and his/her gender.  No cost to enter this lottery, but there will be a prize for the closest guess!  (I've heard rumor it involves chocolate!) So make your guess when you come in this week. And we'll all wait for happy news.

Carmel's last day before maternity leave is March 22.  She'll be out for a couple of months of very important family bonding, leaving us to hold down the fort.... err desk! Luckily we have a super-duper part-time staff!