Monday, March 6, 2017

ANTH 1102 - Belcher

There is a research assignment for Robert Belcher's ANTH1102 class due this week. I met with two of his classes Monday, and will meet with his afternoon class on Wednesday. You still may see a few students coming in looking for help.

Assignment Breakdown:
  • Students must find a peer-reviewed article on their given topic. 
  • From the references/work cited of the peer-reviewed article, students select two articles and find them through the library resources.
  • Belcher is requiring them to bring PDF copies of all three articles to class. 
For the peer-reviewed article portion of the assignment I suggested the following journals to the students: 
Current Anthropology
Anthropological Quarterly
Anthropology Today
Evolutionary Anthropology
Transforming Anthropology
Anthropology Now
Journal of Anthropological Research 
Depending on the students topic, you may have to branch out (i.e. pathology or forensic medicine), just make sure its from a peer-reviewed journal. The Ulrich database is helpful if you are unsure. 
For the second part of the assignment I encouraged the students to copy and paste the title of the article they are looking for in Discover first. If they are unable to find it using Discover, to then move on to JSTOR or ProQuest Central. If you are still unable to find the article I've recommended that students pick another before diving into WorldCat and ILL. 
If you have any questions please feel free to email me or direct the students to email me, 

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