Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Simson HIST 1111 Assignment

There are a few students requesting help finding primary documents for Dr. Simson's World History to 1500 class. This assignment is similar to the one for Modern World History in that students will be required to interview their families to learn where the family roots are. Then students will look for primary sources related to that area of the world from before 1500. It's harder for such early time periods, especially since Dr. Simson wants the sources to be writing (in any language) or maps.

Dr. Simson explained the assignment in class. The project proposal is due next week. The following snips from a rubric evaluating the project will give some idea of the research required.

Please remember that you can get some help from the HIST111 LibGuide.  I've also had some luck doing pre-research in Discover GALILEO on "indigenous people" (country name) history, then using the names of tribes or individuals I discovered to search in other databases or repositories.  Dr. Simson wants the students to experience the challenges and rewards of historical research!

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