Monday, February 18, 2013

Head Count for Exhibit

We are charged with keeping a head count of those who view the Lincoln Exhibit. Because the panels will be out on the library floor, reference staff can help provide the most accurate numbers. Here's how:
  1.  Keep your radar alert to people viewing the panels. 
  2. When you see individuals there, please make a hash mark for each person in the appropriate hour block on the tally sheet at the desk. 
  3. If a group (i.e. a history class) comes in together, estimate the number in the group and record it in parentheses in the corresponding hour block. 
We appreciate your help with this project. Of course, our primary responsibility is still to the students who need reference or technical assistance, but librarians are great multi-taskers. Our counts may not be 100% accurate, but we'll do what we can. Thanks!

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