Wednesday, August 31, 2016

New Student Due Dates

You may have seen in the Intranet blog that due dates for students for most GSU books will now be the first day of the following semester, rather than 28 days from check-out. What does this mean?

Most students are happy that they have only one date to remember for returning their books.  They can also have the book  longer to do their research or reading.

However...GSU has always liberally used recalls to get back a book that is in high demand. We've rarely done that in the past.  A recall will generate a message to the patron who has the book that, if they have had the book for a minimum of 28 days, they must return it within 10 days or incur fines. In other words, the borrower is guaranteed a 28 day loan, after which the book is subject to recall.

In practice, that means that a recall might take up to 38 days to get the book for the patron making the recall.  With her typically shrewd and analytical mind, Beth Welch concluded that if all GSU copies of that title are checked out, it will be quicker to find it in the GIL Universal catalog and initiate a GIL Express Request.  (Thanks, Beth!) 

When assisting a patron in this process, please use the GIL-Find version of the OPAC. Check whether any GSU copies are available and if so, request the specific item as we are accustomed to doing. If all of our GSU copies are checked out, the GIL-Find interface will offer the option to recall or go to the GIL UC.  (See below.)

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