Friday, February 26, 2016

Display Calendar

To help us stay on top of upcoming displays, we've created a display calendar in the GPC librarian Google Drive.

The display calendar is located in the Dunwoody>Display folder.  Please include your name and display topic when signing up for a display.
You will need to log in to the drive GPC Librarians Google username: gpclibrarians

If you do not know the password to the GPC librarian Google account, please ask Pat. 

If you have any questions, email Karen (

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

No FAX for students on campus

Beth got the information from a student that the FAX machines are broken in the JCard Office and the Jag Spot.  Since ours is broken also, it appears that there is nowhere for students to fax on campus. (Probably also no place to play a vinyl record or listen to an 8-track tape.)

The FedEx Office Print and Ship (formerly Kinkos) still offers faxing services. Their closest office is: 126 Perimeter Center W, Dunwoody, GA 30346. Aviva also told me that Kroger stores offer faxing service.  Those commercial enterprises charge, of course.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Simson History 1112 Assignment

Dr. Simson has an assignment in his Modern World History class asking students to link events in their own families to events in world history, along the lines of several themes.  For the assignment, students need at least 2 primary sources, a reference in their textbooks, an additional book, and a related article.  The primary documents can be interviews, personal photographs, letters, etc.  In other words, students may look in the family attic or memorabilia for primary sources, as well as finding published primary sources from the era related to their family's story.

It has been a challenge for students who come from outside the U.S. to find primary sources.  There are some books with eye witness accounts from other countries, but our collection is not deep in that area. Beth had good luck using Discover GALILEO with the country name as subject, then limiting type to primary source documents.  You may also have some luck using LexisNexis to find news articles from the country of origin at the time family lived there.

A scan of the assignment appears below.  Part 2 will be a 5-6 page essay on the intersection between family and world history.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Clarkston English 1102 Research Notebook

In case you missed this email, be aware that Ann Mallard posted on this very speicific assignment on the Clarkston Reference blog.  See

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

iCollege log in trouble

iCollege did an update last night which caused some problems with their security certificate being recognized in different Internet browsers. The problem manifests differently on different campus networks.

Here at Dunwoody, the student computers will not access iCollege in Firefox, but they will if you tell students to switch to Internet Explorer.

Strangely, the ref desk computers are just the oppostie.  iCollege won't pull up in IE, but works fine in FF.

On other campuses, neither of those browsers will work, but computers with Chrome will.

THIS IS A KNOWN ISSUE. OIT is communicating with the Blackboard folks to get a solution.  Until then, please tell students about the work-around.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Nursing Test (TEAS) Prep at Decatur

Decatur TEAS Prep Workshops

Prepare for the Nursing test!
Friday, February 12
9:00am – 1:30pm
Friday, February 19
9:00am – 12:00pm
Friday, February 26
9:00am – 12:00pm
Friday, March 4
9:00am – 12:00pm

Sponsored by: The Learning and Tutoring Center, Decatur Campus

678.891.2575 | SF-1200 |