Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Final Exam Schedule

Finals begin for some full-term classes today.  See the entire schedule at

There is also one paper copy at the ref desk.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Crunch Time

There are several research projects underway right now for the 8 week summer session and for the 4 week summer session. Most are English or Communications classes which require basic research.  One COMM1201 class has an assignment called a "Symposium" which is described below:

Symposium (Group Presentations).  To be delivered beginning July 22nd.   20 points of total grade, made up as follows: Preparation Outline 5 pts, Peer Evaluation & Presentation 10 points and Annotated Bibliography 5 points.. You will join/form a group of approx. 5 students.  Each group will speak on a global issue topic for 30-35 minutes. That is each group member will speak for approx. 6 minutes, followed by a 5-10 minute question & answer session.You are required to cite your sources not only in your preparation outline, but also in the verbal presentation of your speech.
Each group will approach the topic as a problem-solving project where they will apply Dewey’s Reflective Thinking Method of decision-making as explained in Chapter 20. This assignment requires research and group meetings outside of class.
On the day of the Symposia, each group member will turn in:
1)      A Preparation Outline, worth 5 points out of the 20.
2)      An Individual Annotated Bibliography of 5 sources (no overlaps), worth 5 points out of the 20. An annotated bibliography involves you writing a summary of the source, and how that particular source is relevant to your topic.  The description should be at least a paragraph—which in this case would involve 3-5 sentences.  The annotated bibliography is worth 5 points out of the 20 for this assignment.
3)      Also turn in the Peer Evaluation sheet, which will be handed out on the day you present.  Should a student fail to complete the evaluation, 5 points (from the 20 for the assignment) will be deducted from her/his grade. Note: The points for the peer evaluation and the verbal presentation will be combined to provide the grade of 10 points, thus making the evaluation “blind.”
4)      Visual aids are expected—all parts of the presentation should be on one PowerPoint document.

The professor reports that topic chosen this term are:
  • Global warming (air pollution)
  • Poverty in Brazil or Zimbabwe
  • Immigration in Australia or Italy
  • Clean Water
The analysis from the Reflective Thinking Method includes asking:
  • What is the history of the problem?
  • How extensive is the problem?
  • What are the causes, effects, and symptoms of the problem?
  • Can be the problem be subdivided for further definition and analysis? 
  • What methodist do we already have for solving ht problem, and what are their limitations?
  • What new methods can we devise to solve the problem?
  • What obstacles keep us from reaching a solution?
from Introduction to Public Speaking, GPC edition, p 214.

Monday, July 7, 2014

New Computers!

You've probably noticed that the new computers have been installed at the reference desk. Your profiles should have transferred because they come from the server, but you'll need to re-establish your Outlook email client and reset any bookmarks you had on browsers. You'll also note that we have Microsoft Office 2013 for the most commonly used programs. The student computers were upgraded to that version earlier this year, so we now coordinate with them.

My impression of the new WORD is that it hasn't changed much from 2010 for basic functions, but here are a couple of articles from Microsoft about the changes, if you would like to read them:
For a quick run-down of changes to other MSO programs, see this chart:

Remember that the staff is the JagSpot is trained to support use to the MicroSoft Office programs, so if students have needs beyond your knowledge, feel free to send then there.

Speaking of which, the JagSpot in the basement of E-building is undergoing renovations, so has been temporarily moved across the hall into a classroom.  Just tell students to follow the signs.