Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Perrotta History Assignments

Three of Professor Perrotta's classes are doing research this semester. The assignments are in the tray on the Ref. Desk so you can see them. Info Lit instruction for her classes was voluntary and only six students (all from HIST2112) showed up, so expect to do some instructing at the desk.

Here are just a few tips:

For the Perspectives Class, most of the topics relate to body image, clothing, or media.  The list is on the assignment sheet.  Students need to find a book and a scholarly article on their topics. You'll be able to easily help them find books, though some may need to be requested from other campuses. I recommend using Academic Search Complete and JSTOR for scholarly articles. (There may be some topic pages in Opposing Viewpoints that could be helpful, but it's more of a scavenger hunt in there.)

For the HIST 2111 and 2111 classes, stick to books in GIL-Find or GIL-Find Universal. I had good results doing an all fields search with the name in quotes (but don't use quotes with a subject search). Academic articles can come from ASC and JSTOR.  Specific Georgia info can be found on the Search by Subject databases designated for Georgia History, though many of them are short, encyclopedia-type entries. There are also two helpful newspaper databases:  Atlanta Constitution (1868-1945) and LexisNexis.  Katie also pointed them to the Georgia Digital Archive