Wednesday, February 20, 2013

BLS for Healthcare Providers - On Reserve

Yesterday I had requests for this title (using multiple confusing words) including:
AHA BLS cardiac study guide;
American heart Association,
Basic life support

There is a brief record in GIL:

BLS for Healthcare Providers: Student Manual
Call Number: Dunwoody Reserves/PHED 2006/Texts

5 copies are on Dunwoody Reserves and all copies were circulated yesterday. 

Monday, February 18, 2013

Head Count for Exhibit

We are charged with keeping a head count of those who view the Lincoln Exhibit. Because the panels will be out on the library floor, reference staff can help provide the most accurate numbers. Here's how:
  1.  Keep your radar alert to people viewing the panels. 
  2. When you see individuals there, please make a hash mark for each person in the appropriate hour block on the tally sheet at the desk. 
  3. If a group (i.e. a history class) comes in together, estimate the number in the group and record it in parentheses in the corresponding hour block. 
We appreciate your help with this project. Of course, our primary responsibility is still to the students who need reference or technical assistance, but librarians are great multi-taskers. Our counts may not be 100% accurate, but we'll do what we can. Thanks!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Lincoln's Arrival

We do not know for sure when he'll get here, but today on his 204th birthday, I can assure you that he will arrive.  Lincoln: The Constitution and the Civil War will open on Thursday, February 21st and run through April 3rd.  This is an exhibit curated by the National Constitution Center, funded by the NEH, with the tour coordinated through the ALA and brought to us by Lora Mirza.  She has also arranged several related special events to which you are all invited.

Opening night begins at 6:00 in the auditorium (C1100) with a lecture by History Professor Paul Hudson entitled "Lincoln and the Emancipation Proclamation."  Greg McLean and the Abe Lincoln Brass Quartet then perform Civil War era music.  The festivities then move to a reception here at the LRC for the official opening of the exhibit. (Snacks provided by Student Life.) 

So, expect some excitement as the panels arrive and Don Dougal works to arrange them. If you'd like to see a preview with narration by Steven Frank, the exhibit's curator, have a look at this YouTube video.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

What a Gas!

We've probably all been through fire drills and tornado warnings, but staff on duty Tuesday night had a new and different kind of excitement.  At about 6:30 students in the lower level of the LRC reported a terrible smell.  The stench, which was similar to sewer odor, quickly permeated the rest of the building.  Public Safety was called and the decision made to evaluate the building. Akiko scurried around to secure all the valuables; Juanita and Emmy quickly but calmly made sure that the students got out.  Lora was notified, as were the DeKalb County Fire Department and the gas company.  Gio, our wonderful plant ops man, traced the source of the gas to a generator near the loading dock, and he shut that machine down. The staff went home after Officer Lowe told us that there was  no way an "All Clear" would be issued in time to reopen the library.  Emmy, whose car was parked near the generator, was relieved that her ignition didn't cause an explosion.

Reports from Atlanta Gas Light and a HAZMAT team from the FD indicated that there was no measurable natural gas present, but there was a sulfur leak from that back-up generator. We were never in danger of blowing up! Maintenance order issued, end of story; except to say that I'm proud of our library staff who behaved in such a professional and caring way. And I have great confidence in the professionalism and efficiency of our Public Safety officers as well.

Which leads me to the general topic of public safety in emergency situations.  Remember that there are reference guides outlining emergency procedures at the Ref Desk.  (See picture)  I would also recommend that each of us add the Public Safety Emergency (770-274-5315) and Non-Emergency (770-274-5500) numbers to our cell phones contacts, just in case.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Welcome to Info Central

There hasn't been an overwhelming response to my survey question on how to best communicate among the many wonderful librarians who help at the Dunwoody Ref Desk.  Nonetheless, I'm game to give this a try.  It's really, really simple and can be used in multiple ways:
  1. Bookmark this URL <> and just check for new posts when you begin your shift. The posts will most likely be from one of the full-time staff about something work-related you need to know, but each of you will also have the opportunity to post. (See #2) Also, feel free to post personal news, but remember that the blog can be read by anyone who knows the URL.
  2. You do not have to post, but to do so you'll need to have a Google Account to log into blogger. Having an account will also allow you to comment on posts. Please let me know if you'd like to become a poster so I can add you as an author. If there is info you want shared with all, but don't want to post, please just email it to me.
  3. Use the Link Roll at the right to quickly access FAQ type information. You can add a link to the list if you have that Google account. The links are in alphabetical order, and I hope the titles make sense to all.
  4. Under the Link Roll there are labels--tags given to posts to help you relocate the info when you need it.  For instance, a notice of some schedule change might have the labels "schedule" or "calendar."
  5. There will be an archive in the right column near the labels where you will be able to locate posts by month.   
Clarkston's Reference Blog has been used for several years, so please have a look for ideas.